Group made point to associate with sex ads


Stan Wonn wrote an editorial last Friday, "'Crusade' presents 'stealth' ads", in which he asks the question, "...why hide the fact that Campus Crusade is sponsoring this ad campaign?" Mr. Wonn has raised an ethical issue concerning the advertising strategy of "Every Student's Choice" and this is our response.

I would like to mention that Campus Crusade for Christ made itself very visible by setting up an information table on the Mall throughout last week. We made it a point to associate ourself with the ads. We are not trying to be sneaky and we are not ashamed by any means to express ourselves as Christians.

The advertisements are sponsored financially by UA's Campus Crusade for Christ. These funds are from churches, businesses, and relatives who wish to specifically support the "Every Student's Choice" media campaign strategy, not just Campus Crusade. We seriously considered placing on the advertisement "Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ", but we chose not to for a couple reasons. First, there are 10 Christian groups, on and off campus, using the ads including Campus Crusade. If our name was on the advertisements then these groups may feel uncomfortable using them in their ministries.

Second, "Every Student's Choice" desires to present a Christian perspective of the issues relevant to college students. By taking leadership within the Christian community it would be inappropriate to present a Christian perspective as the "Campus Crusade perspective." Our group is part of a much larger community of Christian believers. Our hope is to present a message of integrity with regards to these issues and to present that within a context of love portrayed in the message of Jesus. We hope our efforts to present an alternative point of view will result in increased discussion and dialogue on campus. We hope that we have clarified our intents and I thank Stan Wonn personally for bringing up this issue.

Steven Dunham
philosophy junior