What do you think of the parking situation at the UA?

By Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 9, 1996

Jennifer Roque

anthropology freshman

"Some students don't have a way to pay for all that. They could go as high as $150, but not $300. That's why I got the cheaper one."

Mark Ukleja

accounting and finance sophomore

"I had a Zone 1 (permit), and it (the lot) was always full. I didn't even bother this semester. I park far away and ride my bike."

Sheryl Rabin

law student

"There's a lot of other alternatives. Tucson is a good community for bike riding."

Julie Richard

theatre arts education senior

"Along with more spaces, they (the UA) need better security at the lots. My car has been vandalized on campus."

Heather Lafferty

speech and hearing sciences senior

"I think the university is reaching out to find money in places they don't need to reach. I think they should make it more affordable."