Volume 90
Number 13
September 9, 1996


UA misses magazine's list of top 50 schools

U.S. News and World Report placed the UA in the second tier of four in its survey of the nation's best universities, released Thursday.

The second tier is composed of universities ranked below the top 50 schools, but above the schools placed in tiers three and four.

{news SECTION}

Status quo for parking woes

While most would agree parking is hard to come by and expensive at the UA, at least one person understands why.

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    {Sports SECTION}

    Iowa 21, Arizona 20:

    With turnovers aplenty, both Arizona and Iowa rode their defenses through most of Saturday's 21-20 Hawkeye victory. But in the last seven minutes, it was Iowa's offense that was in the driver's seat and Arizona's defense that ran out of gas.