





ASUA's actions threaten useful student services


As a member of the Association of Students with Disabilities I feel compelled to address Mindy McCollum's decision to eliminate funding and all support for ASD. I joined two years ago and participated in a variety of fund-raisers that not only brought in money for ASD, but also promoted awareness among students. At that time Brian McCracken was the director and he did a superb job of organizing ASD projects.

However, ever since Mindy McCollum appointed Ann Fowler to be director, I have not received one e-mail or any information concerning the club or its meetings. It is important to note that Ann Fowler was not elected to be director by ASD members, she forced her way into the position with the aid of Mindy McCollum. In last Monday's paper Ann Fowler is quoted saying, "If it (club membership) is not going to improve from what it is now, I don't think it should be a part of ASUA." She ignores that the decline of ASD membership is directly linked to her inability to organize and maintain the club. The problem facing ASD is Mindy McCollum, who has practically destroyed ASD by interfering with its election process. Now Mindy McCollum is trying to give ASD a final blow by erasing ASD from ASUA's bylaws. How is ASD to survive when the vice president of programs and services is so adamant about removing it from ASUA bylaws? I sincerely hope that someone from the ASUA Senate steps in to defend this worthwhile club before it's to late.

By Creighton Anderson (letter)
Arizona Daily Wildcat
April 23, 1997

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