What was your most memorable summer experience?

By Staff Reports
Arizona Daily Wildcat
August 22, 1996

What was your most memorable summer experience?

Max Kamenshine

media arts junior

"This summer, I spent three months in Holland, Belgium, and in Frankfurt, Germany, where I grew up. I made $10 per hour, tax-free, working as a cable boy behind the cameras of a German television station. While I was overseas, I found that gas was four t imes more expensive, and a 12 percent tax was added to anything you bought. Oh, and the beer was good."

Jeremy Becken,marketing freshman

Aristotle Kotzambasis, business freshman

"On our way to Rocky Point in Mexico, we had a little trouble with our motor home."

"First, our Doberman pinscher got sick on the beds, and we spent most of the time in the trailer with our heads out of the windows, gasping for breathable air."

"Then, a little later while we were driving, we tipped the trailer onto the side of the road. When we finally got to Mexico, we spent five days recuperating on the beach."

Lauren McCullough

pre-education freshman

"When I went home to Atlanta for the summer, I auditioned and was cast to dance as a member of the Green Tribe dancing section in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I saw and met people from all around the world, including Carl Lewis, who walked right in front of me. I was also on the other side of Centennial Park when the pipe bomb exploded. It sounded like a gunshot, and, all of a sudden, there were police cars scrambling everywhere."

Mike Macchiaroli

Business Freshman

"This summer, I went on a ski vacation with my girlfriend and her family to Blackcolmb and Wistler ski resorts in Canada. One afternoon, I was on the slopes, and I saw a grizzly bear walk in the snow right in front of me! We also had fun seeing the Canadi an Mountains, waterfalls, and taking advantage of the 18-year drinking age!"

Anna Homiston

freshman studying Spanish

"I visited Germany, Norway and Sweden with my family. In Sweden, we went to a festival that celebrated everything that had to do with water. It was a huge carnival with booths, food, and games. The main attraction was a water conservation competition, whe re conservation devices were built, and the all of the proceeds went to benefit the cause."