







Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 18, 1997

Likins and your landlord

The walls of your apartment are crumbling. Last week your pipes burst and flooded the kitchen. The furnace hasn't worked in two weeks.

Your landlord agrees that there's a problem but says that he won't make the repairs unless you cough up another $40 a month on top of rent.

What do you do?

You move out, because maintaining the apartment is your landlord's responsibility and he's in no position to make such demands.

And so goes the proposed student fee to fund renovation of the Memorial Student Union. For years the administration has neglected maintenance of the Student Union, driving the cost of renovation to an estimated $70 million.

Now UA President Peter Likins says it will send a bad signal to the Board of Regents and the State Legislature if students don't want to cough up $40 a semester to pay for repairs.

It's funny that Likins isn't concerned what students think about an administration that doesn't care enough to maintain one of the most important buildings on campus.

By pressuring students to vote for the student fee, Likins and the administration are acting much like the proverbial slumlord.

The university - not the students - should be pressured to fund this project.

Last week, ASUA President Gilbert Davidson declared that the Associated Students has never, and never would, fund a campaign specifically advocating a "Yes" vote on the Student Union referendum being considered today.

But yesterday, ASUA circulated signs displaying this message: "Say YES to a student voice- vote on the STUDENT UNION REFERENDUM NOVEMBER 18 &19," with "YES," and "STUDENT UNION REFERENDUM" in giant letters. Technically, ASUA stuck to its promise.

However, take a careful look at this editorial from about a foot or so back. There is


way that - at a glance - this editorial, like the signs ASUA posted across campus, will appear as anything other than a blatant message about the referendum.

Take into consideration the honesty and integrity of your elected student leaders today as you vote.


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