



KAMP nets student government support
The ASUA Senate last night unanimously passed a resolution to back KAMP Student Radio's
attempt to garner a spot on the FM dial.
The resolution, sponsored by Associated Students Sen. Ferdie Echiverri, supports a Federal
Communications Commission proposal that would allow smaller, low-powered radio stations to
have a place on the FM dial.





Men's volleyball team beats ASU
The UA men's volleyball team easily took care of the Arizona
State Sun Devils last night at the Student Recreation Center.
The Sun Devils, already missing players due to injuries, were
lost even before the game began, arriving late after taking a
wrong turn off the freeway. It didn't get any easier on the court,
where UA swept them in three straight sets 15-7, 15-3, 15-9.





The Abuse of 'Justice'
There are many words and concepts that suffer constant abuse
in this age, but one of the greatest victims is "justice." This is
becoming increasingly evident with each court case that makes
the headlines.


Can you pick up KAMP 1570 AM on your radio at home?

Today: Becoming windy with areas of blowing dust possible. Increasing cloudiness with highs in the mid 70s.
Tonight, less windy with lows in the 40s.

"There is no question there is an unseen world; the question is, how far is it from midtown, and how late is it open?"
Woody Allen

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