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Former prof recoups at home, awaits trial

By Irene Hsiao
Arizona Daily Wildcat
March 31, 1999
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After being burned in a UMC operation-room fire last summer, a former UA journalism professor is recuperating at home, awaiting the October beginning of a malpractice suit he filed in Pima County Superior Court.

Wallace Beene, 73, filed a malpractice suit in August against University Medical Center after suffering second and third degree burns during surgery. His eight-day trial is scheduled to begin Oct. 25.

Beene said his endurance has not completely returned, and he remains unable to perform daily activities.

"I still can't play golf, I still can't drive a car, I still can't do many things," he said. "And how much problems I have with my lungs - there is no way of knowing."

Beene was burned July 23 while on the operating table for brain surgery to repair two subdural hematomas - swollen areas under the outer lining of the brain. He is continuing with his rehabilitation indefinitely.

George Humphrey, a UMC public relations official, said the hospital cannot comment on pending litigation. The office of Richard Grand, Beene's attorney, also declined to comment on the case.