



New program makes car theft a sticky situation
University police hope to stick it to car thieves with a new prevention program. The statewide "Watch Your Car Program" allows vehicle owners to put stickers on their windshields, permitting police to do routine traffic stops if a car is spotted on the road between 1 and 5 a.m. The officers then verify that the driver of the car is the registered owner.





Weary volleyball team returns home
The UA volleyball team, off to its best-ever start and a No. 14 ranking in Volleyball magazine, took a day off yesterday for the players to re-charge their batteries. The Wildcats (10-0 overall, 2-0 Pacific 10 Conference) traveled north to Washington this weekend, defeated Washington State and Washington and didn't return to Tucson until late Sunday night.





What the UA doesn't want you to know
The UA broke several laws earlier this year when it released students' social security numbers and personal information to Saguaro Credit Union, MCI, the Alumni Association and CyberMark LLC. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA, states that personally identifiable information - which includes social security numbers - may not be released without written consent. Thirteen exceptions exist to this rule, and the UA's release did not fall within any of these.


