Don't have to look both ways
Jennifer Holmes Arizona Daily Wildcat
English graduate teaching assistant Jeremy Bushnell talks about the English department's move to the CCIT building in January last week in the Babcock building. "We were very happy to work with Dr. Evers," Bushnell said. "We are looking forward to moving into our new pods."
Students who visit their teachers' offices in the Babcock building won't have to dash across East Speedway Boulevard next semester because the English department is packing up and moving out.
University of Arizona officials confirmed Friday that a $500,000 office construction project is underway on the west end of the UA Computer Center. It should be completed by January.
William Vos, a senior architect for UA Facilities Design and Construction, said Friday that in early 1999 the department will move into the 10,000-square-foot space where students used to register for classes.
English department head Larry Evers said the plans are complete and the project is "a done deal."
The UA gained the Arizona Board of Regents' approval in June to vacate Babcock by 2001. Purchased by the UA in 1975, Babcock is home to 180 students and houses offices for a number of departments.
"We've been very concerned about our accessibility to first-year students," Evers said. "It's more accessible for the students we serve."
But the department's previous location was worse than Babcock - a bunch of little houses on East Sixth Street, Evers said.
He said the department moved into the Babcock offices about three years ago and has searched for a new location for some time.
The English department is grateful for the chance to leave Babcock, Vos said.
"They're very excited about the move and appreciative of the opportunity," he said.
A total of 160 instructors - including 120 composition teachers - will have office space at the Computer Center, Evers said.
"One of the benefits is that the space has a lot of flexibility for future requirements," Vos said.
Because the future of Babcock is uncertain, Evers said he's concerned about relocation of the Southern Arizona Writing Project.
"We hope that they'll stay (in Babcock)," he said. "We don't know if the administration will permit us to keep them there."
The Critical Languages department, also housed in Babcock, is not slated to move in the near future. Shirley McDowell, program coordinator for critical languages, said she hasn't heard of any plans to move the offices from Babcock.
In June, the regents also gave UA's Residence Life Department approval to move out of Babcock and into a different , still undetermined facility by 2001. The UA's proposal to the board stated, "The location and quality of the building inhibit effective program management."
Residence Life Director James Van Arsdel was unavailable for comment Friday.
David J. Cieslak can be reached via e-mail at