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'Earthly Delights' concerns extend beyond university

By Yisrael Ari Spinoza
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 14, 1998
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To the editor,

I think maybe it is Mr. Meyers who is missing the point about "Campus of Earthly Delights" cover art. I didn't lose any sleep over it, but I find it disingenuous to chalk it all up to having a sense of humor and deriding anyone who "doesn't get it." The cover art is sophomoric at best, and while the UA is not Pollyanna University, it certainly doesn't do anything to alter even the most "with it" parent's perception that sex and drugs occur around here more than they actually do.

Besides, a lot of students' parents pay for their education, so rather thanbeing enamored with the newly-learned phrase "respect for self-expression", it might do well to remember that the UA community is much larger than its students and employees.

Yisrael Ari Spinoza
Near eastern studies graduate student