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Bent? Or broken?

By Kelly Singer
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 23, 1998
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To the editor,

I am SHOCKED and SHAGRINED, MORTIFIED and STUPIFIED!! This is an OUTRAGE! These words of Jackie Childs, the lawyer on Seinfeld, precisely sums up how I feel about the reinstatement of Paul Graziano, Manzi-Mo's RA of "controversy." The system has failed. By this I mean the Residence Life system of policies that it created in order to enhance the quality of the residents, RA's, and other staff associated with the dorms.

Resident Assistants acquire an incredible amount of responsibility when deciding to represent Resident Life. Along with this responsibility comes the perks (free room and board, and some food money on the CatCard). I myself considered being an RA in recent years, but de-cided I wasn't willing to take the responsibility and extra work with my studies - Paul, on the other hand, did want the extra work. Therefore, Paul (like every other RA) must be held to a higher standard and be accountable for his actions. He himself admits to this. So what happened?

I'll tell you what happened. A bunch of people that happen to like Paul beat the system. Or should I say, "bended the rules a bit just this one time."

Well, how about we reinstate Fife Symington as governor of Arizona? Besides, his crimes were victimless right? And lots of people like him, right? No one was hurt, except maybe a few extra pennies from taxpayers. But what's a few cents among friends, right Paul? What's a few victimless crimes among friends, right Residence Life? Are your rules made to bend or to be broken?

We should take a firm stance on this issue, and analyze facts presented to us. Paul has to follow rules just like all of us in America. Paul broke a rule. Therefore, according to policy, Paul should not be an RA. I wonder if Manzi-Mo is holding a kegger at the Residence Life building to celebrate the reinstatement of its hero.

Kelly Singer
Criminal Justice senior
President of the Undergraduate Society of Criminal Justice Studies