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More room for the BMW

By Micah Boyd
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 13, 1998
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To the editor,

It appears that the city of Tucson has finally wisened up. Lured by the irresistible smell of money, city officials have at last decided they want a piece of the rich UA parking pie.

For years the outrageous price of parking permits at the UA has forced students to scrounge for space like hyenas over a rotting zebra.

Four hundred dollars a year? That price is comparable to parking in downtown LA.

At the University of South Florida, a very large commuter school itself, it costs $40 a year to park in a garage. Could you imagine?

Students might actually have enough money left over to buy food.

Consider also the location of the parking in question. Smack in the middle of Greektown.

I can think of plenty of people who will be willing to pay such reasonable prices. "Survival of the fittest" parking will be replaced by "More room for the BMW." I suppose all you less fortunates better invest in bus passes.

The UA's iron grasp over its sweet and inexhaustible cash cow has hopefully finally glimpsed the end of its days. With any luck, the city's move will enrage students over the parking situation in general and change will come. Down with tyranny.

Micah Boyd
Physics and math senior