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Columinst's word choices suggest immaturity

By Kristi Reed
Arizona Daily Wildcat
January 19, 1999
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To the editor,

I have been reading the Wildcat for about a year now, and never have I felt so outraged by an article that I had to sit right down and write to you.

I'm speaking of the article "Crybabies" by Dan Cassino, printed in the January 14 edition of the Wildcat. All I could do when reading Mr. Cassino's commentary was shake my head.

First of all, the commentary was offensive to student parents. Where does he get off calling us stupid? We are all here to get an education (which does require some intelligence) and if we all follow Mr. Cassino's way of thinking, there would be no daycare for children anywhere! After all, parents are "stupid" enough to have a child, therefore they need to take care of that child (have the child with them) 24 hours a day.

If we chose to follow this line of thinking, parents everywhere would be bringing their children to work with them. Where does this absurdity end?

Secondly, Mr. Cassino, we are not asking for you to "take care of us," nor are we asking for a handout. We are simply asking for a facility to serve our interests. There are facilities here to serve the interests of many students, many of which I will never utilize, that my tuition and fees pay for as well. Should I then be a "crybaby" and whine and stamp my feet hurling insults at the students who have a need or want for those facilities that I will never utilize, but am monetarily supporting? My advice to you Dan...Grow up! If the only way to get your opinion across is to hurl insults, perhaps you are the "crybaby."

Kristi Reed
Psychology senior