

Voting has been closed, but here are the final results:
Abdi Abdirahman
15 Votes (3%)
Trung Canidate
25 Votes (6%)
Keoni DeRenne
8 Votes (1%)
Jeff Dutoit
2 Votes (0%)
Chris McAlister
35 Votes (8%)
Ryk Neethling
170 Votes (41%)
Adnan Novo
1 Votes (0%)
Jason Terry
153 Votes (37%)
Marisa DaLee
17 Votes (5%)
Jenna Daniels
13 Votes (4%)
Trina Jackson
65 Votes (20%)
Nikki Jones
28 Votes (8%)
Angela Lackey
15 Votes (4%)
Becky Lemke
21 Votes (6%)
Kristin McDermott
22 Votes (6%)
Amy Skieresz
140 Votes (43%)
Total number of voters: