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UA art therapy club splashes color on blank UMC walls.
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Amidst the downhearted din of the UMC emergency room waiting area last night, a circus was coming to life in a removed corner of the crowded room.
Members of Muralcles, a University of Arizona organization that brings art therapy to young hospital patients, applied paint to the club's first mural - a lively circus scene - in the pediatric play area of the University Medical Center ER waiting room.
UA Men's Basketball Notes
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With No. 3 Stanford coming to town Thursday for arguably the biggest game of the season, the ninth-ranked UA men's basketball team would love to have its full lineup in tact.
That, though, may not be the case as the status of junior center Loren Woods is still in question as of yesterday afternoon.
Editorial: Christopher city needs immediate solution
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When an apartment is infested with termites, the landlord generally arranges for the pests' extermination. And when a tenant needs a drain unclogged, a super is generally available to disassemble the pipes or administer the Liquid Drano. Sometimes it takes a couple of days, a week or so, maybe even a couple of months.
2000 years of laughs
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After four decades of entertaining audiences as a writer, director and actor, Carl Reiner is touring the country with performances similar to the one he will give next week at the University of Arizona.
Reiner, whose stand-up act will benefit the Hillel Foundation, said he feels a special connection to his audience.