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UA minority faculty ratio still low
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In response to a report of a still-low minority faculty ratio at the UA, some professors say they have suffered some racial discrimination and lack of support in their jobs.
According to the UA's Decision and Planning Support's annual study, the percentage of ethnic minority professors is 7 percent - just as low as it was five years ago.
The long road
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Commitment, hard work, determination, excellence. These words describe what it takes to be a success in today's world.
These are also the words that fellow teammates and coaches use to describe UA junior diver Arno Bergstrom.
"Arno is the most dedicated, hard worker on our team," senior Andrea Glass said.
Editorial: Wisconsin Supreme Court case protects student freedom
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Last Wednesday the Supreme Court made a decision that affects not only every college and university student in the country, but also their wallets.
While schools like the University of Arizona are not affected by the ruling - as all UA club funding comes through the U of A Bookstore - it nevertheless is one of the most critical issues on university campuses today. With the decision, a student now has no legal grounds to demand a reimbursement of his or her money if, say, it is used to fund an organization they oppose.
Comedy Corner to host SICK festival
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Comedy Corner and ASUA are teaming up this Thursday and Friday for their eighth annual comedy show titled SICK 8, featuring comedy groups from around the country, as well as UA students interested in showcasing their comedic abilities.
SICK, which stands for Southwest Intergalactic Comedy Kermis, is being produced by creative writing sophomore Andrew Shemin, who has spent the past few months trying to bring this festival together.