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4 UA graduate programs make the grade
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Students in four University of Arizona graduate programs are studying at one of the top institutions in the United States, according to the latest rankings by U.S. News and World Report.
The weekly newsmagazine annually lists the top U.S. graduate schools. This year, the UA's graduate program in management information systems was ranked fifth, speech and language pathology and audiology were both ranked sixth, and the creative writing master's program was ranked ninth.
Heavy load
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Junior Andrea Neary's to-do list - 1. finish projects in physiology and molecular cellular biology 2. pick out flowers for wedding 3. review for chemistry midterm 4. attend awards luncheon 5. lastly, break the school record in the pole vault.
With two majors and a minor, a summer wedding to plan and numerous other activities, an average student wouldn't even think about trying to add on any additional pressure in their life.
Editorial: SAS needs to lend Likins, FLA more patience
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In an effort to stop a 10-day sit-in staged by Students Against Sweatshops last spring, UA President Peter Likins signed a resolution detailing steps the university should take to ensure fair labor practices.
The agreement was that the University of Arizona would withdraw its participation from the Fair Labor Association - a U.S. labor group to monitor companies that produce items overseas - unless they meet four provisions outlined in the resolution.
'Tour of Light 2000' plays tonight at Centennial
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In a nation with 1.4 million orphans, members of The Children of Uganda have kept hope alive through traditional African music and dance in the "Tour of Light 2000," playing tonight at UA's Centennial Hall.
While the performance includes songs and dances in Swahili, English and native Ugandan dialects, Deirdre Valente, the company's general tour manager, said the appeal is universal.