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Regents support second student regent bill
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Members of both the Arizona Board of Regents and ASUA are now in favor of the second student regent bill that the Arizona Senate passed Monday.
Senate Bill 1190 establishes a second, non-voting student regent on the board and extends a student regent's term to two years.
While members of Associated Students partially researched and lobbied for the idea, some regents have stated concerns about the ramifications of the bill.
Duncan has partial tear in elbow
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The mystery surrounding Shelley Duncan's arm came to an end last night as the starting right fielder revealed he has a partial ligament tear in his elbow.
"I have a torn ligament," he said. "It's torn, but not all the way."
At the advice of his father, St. Louis Cardinals' pitching coach Dave Duncan, the 6-foot 4-inch sophomore has opted to attempt to rehabilitate his elbow naturally rather than having surgery on his right arm.
Abortion curriculum is an issue of education, not politics
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Abortion is a divisive and emotional topic.
The mere mention of the word sparks hatred and anger and heated arguments ending in a complete lack of resolution.
To touch on it at the workplace is volatile.
Bringing it up at a dinner party is social suicide.
To discuss it in a college of medicine classroom is crucial.
Keeping the swing in the music scene
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Amidst a large shift in the alternative music scene, the members of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy continue to go against the grain, proving the market for swing music is still alive.
Despite the lack of a radio single from their latest album, This Beautiful Life, baritone saxophonist Andy Rowley said the eight-piece band is still enjoying success doing what comes naturally.