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Computer artists showcase their talents


Casey Dexter
Arizona Daily Wildcat

Donna Cox speaks to a crowd at the "Interfacing the Future," Digital Arts Symposium. The event will continue today at 1 p.m. in the Center for Creative Photography Auditorium.

By Christopher Jivan
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
April 6, 2000
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Symposium continues today in the Center for Creative Photography

International computer artists and technicians gathered yesterday at the UA College of Fine Arts' third annual Digital Arts Symposium, showcasing their latest artistic projects and technical achievements.

The symposium marks the first time digital artists have gathered in Tucson to discuss their work. They will demonstrate how these technologies are changing societal views concerning art and the way it effects communication.

Titled "Interfacing the Future," the symposium continues today at 1 p.m. in the Center for Creative Photography Auditorium.

University of Arizona art professors Carol Flax and Lucy Petrovich are co-sponsoring the event and said the symposium will address the future of electronic media.

"This (symposium) is about how the Internet affects people in all different ways," Petrovich said. "It's about how we think about art - how art collaborates with science and engineering," Flax said.

Flax said this symposium differs from the previous two because they are trying to branch out.

"(The) first one was a more internal audience, just for the faculty and art students mainly. We were getting ideas and figuring out what to do," Flax said.

"Now, we've gone global. We're looking at the bigger picture and opening up to new worlds. Every year we get more ideas and we get a bigger and bigger audience. Next year, who knows where we'll be. (The Digital Arts symposium) may all be virtual."

Aside from the discussions, today's symposium will feature a workshop in three dimensional cyberdesign, giving the audience a pragmatic understanding of computer artistry for themselves.

The Digital Arts symposium concludes at 7:30 p.m. with another workshop titled "The Embodiment of Interactivity," which will deal with the issues of movement, multimedia, dance and performance, and how they all relate to computers and cyberspace.

Today's events are all free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Carol Flax at 621-7575 or Lucy Petrovich at 621-1272, or visit the symposium Web site at http://www.arts.arizona.edu/digitalarts/symposium.

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