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New primate research lab draws animal rights group, grad student
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A new primate research lab in the basement of the Psychology building is drawing criticism from graduate students and an animal rights group, primarily because of proposed testing that could involve the killing of monkeys.
The $1.3 million facility, expected to open next month, will house various psychological experiments using monkey subjects.
Loving both worlds
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At the beginning of the year, UA freshman tennis player Siri Fomsgaard stepped off a plane from Denmark, nervous about her first trip to America. Knowing little English, the first person to greet her was Arizona head coach Brad Dancer.
"I really wanted to establish a good relationship with her," Dancer said.
Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, Fomsgaard was first introduced to tennis at the age of eight while watching her father's pick-up tennis matches.
Graduate students preserve some, not all demands
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Yesterday, graduate students gathered to raise awareness of the low benefits they receive. Turnout was high, with about a hundred students milling about in front of the administration building for the duration of the demonstration. Students should be concerned with the legitimate gripes the graduate students have with the way they are treated, but we should be careful to not allow them to go so far as to hurt all of us.
Reading to feature Persona contributors
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Undergraduate contributors to the student literature and arts magazine Persona will have the opportunity to present their work tonight in a reading hosted by the UA Poetry Center.