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A UA student called UAPD Tuesday after a man entered his dorm room and nearly stole his backpack and shoes, reports stated. The student told police he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom on his floor at La Paz Residence Hall, 602 N. Highland Ave., at about 2:05 a.m. when he noticed the man enter his room. He went back to his room and saw the man standing in his room. The man told him he was "smokin' some stuff" with a guy and the guy told him to "get some stuff from a room," reports stated. The student said he turned around for a moment while the man was in the room and when he turned back around the man had grabbed his backpack and shoes and was walking out of the room, reports stated. The student stopped the man in the hallway, the man then began to cry, reports stated. The student told police he felt sorry for the man so he let him leave, reports stated. The student then asked other residents in the hall about the man, and people told him they had seen him wandering around. He contacted police after deciding the man didn't look like he should be in the residence hall. The student gave a description of the man and police searched the area for him, but he wasn't found. ð ð ð University police arrested a UA student Tuesday after a UA employee noticed the student was displaying a fake Zone 1 parking permit, police reports stated. The UA Parking and Transportation services employee called UAPD after noticing the permit in the window of a 1993 Chrysler belonging to Adrian Ortiz, 18, of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, 1745 E. Second St. A UAPD officer contacted Ortiz about the permit, which was reported stolen Dec. 6, 1999, and Ortiz said he found the permit in a UA parking lot and decided to keep it. Ortiz was cited on suspicion of theft of services and released at the scene. ð ð ð A UA student called UAPD Tuesday after someone hit her car while it was parked in a UA parking lot, reports stated. The woman said she parked her vehicle in a lot at North Martin Avenue and East Second Street at about 4 p.m. last Wednesday and when she returned to it at about 10 p.m. that night, her car had been damaged. She told police her right rear bumper was damaged and the taillight was broken. She didn't see any cars in the vicinity that looked like they hit her car, but she did tell police there was a white paint transfer on the bumper. ð ð ð A UA employee flagged down a UA officer Tuesday after he found a datebook belonging to a UA student, reports stated. The man said he found the book at about 9 a.m. outside a room in the Arizona State Museum-South building, 1010 E. University Blvd. and gave it to an officer. The student who owns the datebook met with the officer at Coronado Residence Hall, 822 E. Fifth St., and told him she left the datebook in the Main Library, 1510 E. University Blvd., at about 10 p.m. Monday night. The officer returned the book to her, but when she looked through it, she noticed $85 and her Arizona driver license were missing, reports stated. ð ð ð A woman contacted police Tuesday after someone left scratches on her car while it was parked in a UA lot, reports stated. The woman, who is not a UA student, staff or faculty, told police she parked the car in a lot at 1405 E. Second St., at about 4:15 p.m. She also said she darted into the parking spot quickly and thinks she may have taken the spot from a student. The woman told police she noticed the man driving the other car standing outside his vehicle as she exited her vehicle and he was holding his keys in one hand and slapping them against his other hand. When she returned to her car at about 4:45 p.m., she noticed scratch marks that she thought looked like key marks on the right rear quarter panel of her 1991 Ford Bronco, the right side door, the left front quarter panel, the left side door and the left rear quarter panel. She gave police a description of the man and his car. Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. Dylan McKinley can be reached at Dylan.McKinley@wildcat.arizona.edu.
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