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UA defends Page Ranch containment system
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University and state environmental officials last week expressed confidence in the stability and safety of the Page Ranch landfill's hazardous waste containment system.
A report written by an Oracle research/writer team recently accused the University of Arizona of putting economic concerns ahead of public safety in its management of the closed hazardous waste storage site.
Back on track
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All season long the UA football team has been living in the shadow of the 1998 squad. Living up to a team which went a school-best 12-1 seemed to be too difficult for the 1999 Wildcats, who stumbled to a 3-2 start.
But after Saturday's 31-24 win over USC, a game that wasn't as close as the score indicated, Arizona (4-2 overall, 2-1 Pacific 10 Conference) now has something else to point to as an example of what the team needs to do to win.
Editorial: Students, faculty needed on Hull's task force
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There must be a strange virus running through Phoenix.
It's a disease that spread to select members of the state Legislature, and has now hit the governor's office.
The key symptom -a complete negation of students' viewpoints on issues that directly impact students.
Rep. Jean McGrath, R-Glendale, has fallen victim. In a speech last month to the Arizona Board of Regents, she blasted the University of Arizona's Women's Studies department and called co-ed dorms immoral because they promote welfare dependence and pregnancy.
Chills and thrills abound at Nightfall VIII
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Hearing some screams from the Tucson desert?
Gates Pass is the last chance to turn back. After that it's just a straight drive down East Speedway Boulevard to Old Tucson Studios, where any of Nightfall's spooky creatures may be lurking around.