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Comm. department unstable, grad students say
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UA communication graduate students said they are dissatisfied with the direction of the department, the lack of a permanent department head and the loss of top professors in recent years.
Some students in the department said they are concerned that the previously high-ranking program is in danger of losing its stature because of the frequently changing head and faculty members.
McDonald endures storm of post-game criticism
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The kick heard round the city of Tucson is still lingering in the public mind three days after it happened.
While some people are still calling for senior kicker Mark McDonald's head after he missed a 45-yard field goal with two seconds left in Arizona's 44-41 loss to Oregon at Arizona Stadium Saturday night, UA head coach Dick Tomey said that since then things have taken a more positive turn for McDonald.
History repeating itself?
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"McCain upsets Bush!" This headline seems a little hard to believe, but if Bush doesn't watch his back, it just may turn out to be true.
Hey, in 1948, all the political pundits and pollsters were absolutely sure that Thomas Dewey would easily defeat Harry Truman. It was unfathomable to them that Truman would defeat Dewey, but as we know, we never had a President Dewey, but we did have a President Truman. The Truman victory was a huge upset that no one saw coming.
MaKiN' NoisE
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For the continuously evolving Tucson band Pathos, the future is as undefined as their musical style.
"We change with every song," said keyboardist James Tiscione. "With each one, we take great steps."
With the release of Pax, their second album, the band hopes to increase both its local and national exposure.