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Bookstore helps band purchase new uniforms
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Nearly every member of the UA Marching Band agrees that trying to hold together a nine-piece uniform with safety and bobby pins is neither entertaining nor professional. But thanks to the U of A Bookstore, help is on the way.
"I could fit three of me in there, and I have about five to 10 bobby pins all over my uniform," said Jenny Bajwa, architecture freshman. "(Plus) they have stains from so far back you don't want to know what's on them."
Weathering the storm
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![[news]](http://wc.arizona.edu/images/fall99/contentstuff/sportsbox.gif) |
There's nothing like the weather the Arizona Wildcats are experiencing right now.
Ninety degrees and sunny in November is something that's almost unheard of, especially elsewhere in the country where autumn has come and gone and winter has begun.
The term sunny is almost never used at any point during the year up in Corvallis, Ore., which is the Wildcats' (6-4 overall, 3-3 Pacific 10 Conference) destination this weekend.
Betrayed by the system
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![[news]](http://wc.arizona.edu/images/fall99/contentstuff/opinionsbox.gif) |
The University of Arizona has betrayed our trust and mocked our concerns for safety. They have made our private information public and have ridiculed any objections raised to this hazard. Any stranger can, with a few clicks of the mouse, know much more about you than you want them to know. All that is needed is a dangerous or sick mind and a mouse, and the online student directory can be pulled up on a computer screen. |
Even Denzel can't save 'The Bone Collector'
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![[news]](http://wc.arizona.edu/images/fall99/contentstuff/artsbox.gif) |
Do not go to the movie theater to see "The Bone Collector." It is absolutely worthless - it is unoriginal, obvious and idiotic. In fact, turn on any cable station around 11 p.m. and you'll probably see "The Bone Collector" in one form or another.
Here's the plot - a kooky serial killer has it out for a clever cop. He leaves clues for the policeman to follow, always staying just ahead of him. The catch - this time the officer is a quadriplegic! Crazy, huh?