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A whole different experience
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Dr. Opher Caspi compares the goal of integrative medicine to learning foreign languages, and overcoming the typical attitude that doctors are the source of all medical wisdom.
Caspi, one of the physicians participating in the Program in Integrative Medicine, spent time abroad observing Chinese masters of acupuncture, who are not medical doctors.
Anatomy of a season's end
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Keith Smith hobbled off the field with the aid of two trainers, a sea of maroon pompoms and golden clad fans moving violently back and forth, back and forth above him. The crowd noise seemed residual now, more than two minutes after the last play of the game had been played. It wasn't deafening. It wasn't mocking. |
Testing failures not the fault of students
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Recently, the state of Arizona released the scores from the first round of AIMS testing, which took place in Arizona high schools last year. These results tell us something very important: our students are in trouble. In the future, failure on these tests will mean students will not graduate from high school. If we want to go from the failures of this first round to successes in the future, we need to make some changes, beginning with how we deal with teachers |
Lord of the river dance
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Its brilliance seemed to emerge overnight. But behind closed doors, it had been taking shape for decades.
The international phenomenon known as Riverdance arrives tonight at Centennial Hall and continues through Sunday. Although it appeared to gain international fame almost instantly, the artistic style presented in Riverdance has evolved over many years.