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UA Press may force Earp book author to reveal source
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UA Press officials could force Glenn Boyer -Řthe author of a 1976 compilation of memoirs on Wyatt Earp - to release a manuscript that he used as a source in his best-selling book, a university attorney said yesterday.
The University of Arizona Press is reviewing its correspondence with Boyer to determine whether the author has been truthful in conversations and letters between himself and the UA.
Wildcat junior forward transfers to Iowa
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UA junior forward Luke Recker, who transferred from Indiana last summer, is leaving the university at the end of the semester and transferring to Iowa, the UA athletic department said yesterday.
"I have been contemplating this decision since my arrival in Tucson," Recker said in a statement released by the University of Arizona.
Coming to America
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It has been a busy week for immigration in the news. Unfortunately, it has also been a tragic one. Locally, a van full of Mexicans on their way to the states crashed, killing 13. Elsewhere, another boat load of Cubans met their makers after braving a terrible storm. This happens frequently but has captured media attention due to the fact that a child was aboard. He washed up on shore in Florida, and now his father wants the boy returned to Cuba while his family here is not willing to part with him. |
That's a 'Good Question'
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The end of the semester is fast approaching, and what better way to start studying for finals than a concert stocked with ample kegs?
Local band Good Question kicks off Dead Day Eve with a show at the Mat Bevel Institute tomorrow night. Marking one of the first times the venue has served alcohol, the Nimbus Brewing Co.'s beer will be featured.
Featuring a blend of rock, jazz and funk, Good Question has been playing at a plethora of venues around Tucson over the past year, but their roots go much farther back.