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Franklin rooms trashed
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Three rooms in the Franklin Building - including the main office of the UA East Asian Studies department - were trashed Tuesday night by vandals who destroyed computers and wrote an anarchy symbol on a chalkboard, police said.
"Everything in the office was simply trashed," said Brian McKnight, East Asian Studies department head.
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If the Washington State Cougars learned one thing last night, it was to never trust the box score.
And perhaps one of the many lessons UA learned was that the white Nike headbands worn by the team could "compress the brains," according to head coach Lute Olson, who said fans "will not see the headbands" again.
Editorial: Governor's award glosses over CatCard SSN privacy disaster
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The University of Arizona owes the CatCard office a lot of thanks, but not because of any excellence in technology.
The best contribution the redesign of UA's identification cards ever made has nothing to do with the tens of thousands of dollars its various contracts earned the university.
And while UA students live with the infinite comfort of a multi-use "smart card" in their wallets, the most important gain the 1998 changeover had to offer stemmed from administrators' biggest goof in years.
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Ever since Mark Wahlberg's well-endowed prosthesis in 'Boogie Nights,' director Paul Thomas Anderson has shown a fondness for things of great length.
With a run-time of three hours, his latest writing and directing effort, 'Magnolia,' is no exception. Regardless of the film's length, 'Magnolia,' is an ambitious project from a talented filmmaker. It manages to explore, among others, themes of chance, love, regret, false appearances and the influence of the past through troubled characters of a large ensemble cast.