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RHA member to invite McGrath for discussion


Arizona Daily Wildcat

Political science junior Bryan Babich discusses creating a panel of students, resident assistants and hall directors to oppose Rep. McGrath's proposals on university housing yesterday evening at the ASUA meeting. Babich hopes to provide McGrath with a student's perspective on her proposed reforms.

By Audrey DeAnda
Arizona Daily Wildcat,
February 3, 2000
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An RHA member is trying to bring Arizona Rep. Jean McGrath, R-Glendale, in front of a student forum for a discussion about the bills she has proposed about residence halls.

Last night, political science junior Bryan Babich told the Associated Students Senate that he plans to bring McGrath or a member of her staff to the UA for a discussion. A week ago, Babich brought his plan to ASUA Executive Vice President Ben Graff.

Graff said the forum's panel would consist of resident assistants, students who support and oppose McGrath's proposals, as well as hall directors and ASUA members.

The panel planned to meet Feb. 17, but Resident Hall Association elections are that day, Graff said.

He added that the panel would like to meet on Feb. 15 or the following week.

Graff added that McGrath's proposals would be inactive by Feb. 17 or would have already gone before the Arizona House of Representatives.

"Even if they've already voted it down, I think it's still good for students to come forth and say 'Representative McGrath, we definitely don't want this coming up again,'" Graff said.

Though Babich has not yet been able to contact McGrath, he plans on e-mailing her office.

The proposed legislation, House Bill 2594, prohibits students living in residence halls to have guests of the opposite sex in their rooms between midnight and 6 a.m. The bill passed 4-2 in the House Public Institutions and Universities Committee - which McGrath chairs - last week and will now go before the House.

The bill also prohibits possession or consumption of alcohol in the dorm rooms and coed floors in dorms.

Many senators expressed their support for the discussion.

Sen. Julie Burkhart said it would be good to get McGrath in an actual campus environment.

"(We want to do this) just to get her on campus so she can see what it's really like, not like it was when she went to school," Burkhart said.

Sen. Shane Brogan recently sent a letter to the Arizona Republic expressing his opposition to McGrath's proposals.

Brogan said he would be interested in being on the panel and he likes the idea that the panel will represent both sides of the issue.

"I like the way they're planning it because they're not attacking her (McGrath)," Brogan said. "Obviously, there will be people who agree with her."

Graff said he really loves the idea and he thinks RHA and ASUA need to work together in the best interests of the students.

"If you count ASUA as representing the majority of the student body, then RHA really does represent the remaining students," Graff said.

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