Tuesday September 18, 2001 |
| Online since 1994
3 UA students from Middle Eastern countries decide to go home
UAPD establishes tip line for anonymous reports of hate-crimes
Three students from Middle Eastern countries decided to return home, even though UA officials said the university and Muslim community attempted to assure their safety.
"The embassy gave them permission to return but the decision was theirs," said Sharon Kha, University of Arizona communications director.
Online Photo Documentary
The Daily Wildcat Online's on-going photo documentary regarding Tuesday,
September 11th's events.
Feature Photo
AMY WINKLER/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Union electrician, Dominic Leone, scaled the U.S. Army's rock-climbing wall on the Mall yesterday. The Army will have an informational booth on the Mall all week except for tomorrow.
CatCard can now be used as debit card
Students say they like using one card for both CatCard and banking services
UA students can now use their CatCards as ATM/debit cards by opening a checking account with Union Bank. Students must also obtain a personal identification number to use the card.
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'Fresh' start for swimming and diving
UA's swimming and diving team will feature some new faces this season.
The men's team has six freshmen on board this year, while the women's squad has added four. The new members are in their third week of practice and being placed with specific coaches relative to their strokes and distances.
Corporate America Gives Shelter from the Storm
A fax arrived around 10:30 Tuesday morning to Arizona Trails, Inc. The independent Flagstaff business is responsible for Texaco gasoline distribution in Northern Arizona. The fax was a press release from their boss, Texaco-Shell in Houston. It read that the prices of wholesale gas were now frozen and a daily gas allocation of product had been put in place.
Art history club begins again
Club meets tomorrow for the first time in 10 years
For the first time in 10 years, the university will sponsor an art history club.
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