On the spot

By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
March 2, 2004

Freshman smiles a lot, thinks we could do without the letter Īz' and doesn't nap too often

Wildcat: Hi, my name is Nathan and you're on the spot. Don't you think it's funny ÷Īcause this happened to me right now ÷ when people walk by you with a smile on their faces like some invisible hand is tickling them? They're all like · (Wildcat demonstrates by smiling) Know what I'm saying?

Wilkie: Yeah, I understand.

Wildcat: Do you ever think something's going on?

Wilkie: Well, yeah. When they walk by and they are smiling, I know when I do that, something happened like the day before and you're all happy and you can't stop smiling.

Wildcat: I always try to figure it out. I try to look behind them to see who they might have been talking to right before. That's cool. If there was one letter in the alphabet you think we could do away with, which one would you pick?

Wilkie: A letter?

Wildcat: Yeah.

Wilkie: I don't know. I guess I'd go with "z" maybe. It's not very ÷

Wildcat: That's pretty good. But what would we call zebras?

Wilkie: "Ebras." I don't know. We could just put in a letter.

Wildcat: That's cool. What other word has "z" in it?

Wilkie: "Z" is a little hard. It's not that common.

Wildcat: You're right. "Zach" would be "Ach." What would you call him, "Yach"? That's true. We can live without "z's."

Wilkie: Yeah. We could. I think we would be OK.

Wildcat: Where are you going right now?

Wilkie: I'm going back to my dorm. I'm going to go to sleep.

Wildcat: Do you take naps often?

Wilkie: No.

Wildcat: The only reason I don't like to take naps is your breath starts smelling. And I don't like to brush my teeth, so I just stay up and pop gum in my mouth.

Wilkie: Usually I'm pretty drowsy the whole rest of the day.