On the spot

By Claire C. Laurence
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, March 29, 2004

Freshman is 'rooting' for Duke, has a fear of trees and plays with brow ring in class

Wildcat: Hi, I'm Claire from the Daily Wildcat and you're on the spot.

Hilliard: Aww, man. OK ... I guess.

Wildcat: It looks like you have a nice little dinner consisting of nutter butters and fruity runts ...

Hilliard: This really isn't dinner, this is a post-NCAA Tournament, pre-dinner snack.

Wildcat: So who are you counting on to win the tourney?

Hilliard: Umm ... since we got knocked out, I'm gonna go for Duke now. They just beat Xavier by three, I think.

Wildcat: Yeah, I think that just messed up a bunch of brackets. I was hearing tears over that because from the people in the office pool.

Hilliard: As far as I know, everyone was going for Stanford. And a lot of people in my dorm were picking Duke to get eliminated, but I was going for Duke.

Wildcat: Good job. But you really can't expect Stanford to win ... anybody who has a tree for a mascot isn't gonna make it all that far.

Hilliard: A tree strikes fear into the enemy. It's just like Canada.

Wildcat: I know if I saw a tree, I'd run. Oh my God, look! It's a TREE!

Hilliard: Ahh! Flee!

Wildcat: I see you have the whole eyebrow piercing going on.

Hilliard: Yes, yes I do. And so do you.

Wildcat: Do you receive reception from intergalactic radio stations, too?

Hilliard: Not yet, but I haven't tried.

Wildcat: You need to get one of the metal ones.

Hilliard: I have one of those, actually. I was playing with it in class and the bottom ball came off.

Wildcat: Well your new one is kinda scary. It almost looks kind of evil, ... like, "I will rule you! Bow down to my piercing! AHH!"

Hilliard: Not really, it was just the closest one in the drawer.

Wildcat: So if you had to be a super hero, who would you be?

Hilliard: The Green Lantern!

Wildcat: Sorry, but that doesn't sound all that frightening. It's a little reminiscent of the Stanford tree (Cardinal).

Hilliard: Well he's got a ring of power! That's pretty amazing, right?

Wildcat: A ring? That sounds a little ... umm ... San Francisco to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

Hilliard: Umm ... can I change my answer for that one?