On the spot

By Claire C. Laurence
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Catcher smells like a hippo, uses his status to land the ladies

Wildcat: Hi, I'm Claire from the Daily Wildcat and you're on the spot. So how bad do you think you smell right now?

Hundley: Umm · really bad. We just ran and when we were in the huddle I smelled myself and it was pretty bad.

Wildcat: Do you smell yourself often?

Hundley: Yeah, only after practice though.

Wildcat: Do you like it?

Hundley: Yeah. If I get in the shower, I don't smell myself. But before I shower I do.

Wildcat: If you had to compare yourself to an animal right now, what animal would you be?

Hundley: I would be a hippopotamus.

Wildcat: A big stinky hippo?

Hundley: Yeah, after I rolled in the mud.

Wildcat: I bet the ladies find that really attractive.

Hundley: Oh, they do. Just ask the seven of them this weekend.

Wildcat: Yeah, anyway · if you had to be a vegetable, what would you be?

Hundley: I would be a jicama. They actually don't taste like anything. They're kinda like a bland apple.

Wildcat: Are you calling yourself a bland apple?

Hundley: Only in taste. But in other areas, I'm extremely vibrant.

Wildcat: What other areas?

Hundley: You're gonna have to ask those seven women. But other than that · I'd say like movie quotes.

Wildcat: Gimme your best movie quote.

Hundley: "A little hot in these rhinos." It's from "Ace Ventura 2."

Wildcat: I heard your teammates razzing you about your nickname. What is it?

Hundley: "Nick the rick."

Wildcat: (sarcastically) And why do they call you that?

Hundley: Because I talk a lot of shit and I'm not a good guy around the team.

Wildcat: What kinda guy are you with the ladies?

Hundley: Oh, you heard about it already. The drunk ones are nice to me.

Wildcat: Give me your best pick-up line. Is it something like "I'm a baseball player and they call me ĪNick the Prick.' Wanna know why?"

Hundley: Yeah, I usually use the "I play baseball" thing. I wear this (Arizona Baseball practice jersey) all the time. I just billboard and then they flock.