Professor is visiting from India, where they use the metric system and aren't into the Beatles
Wildcat: Hi, my name's Nathan and you're on the spot. Are you a professor here?
Ramasesha: Visiting professor.
Wildcat: I was going to say that, or you're giving a new name to "nontraditional student." Never mind. So this weekend, I gave myself a really bad haircut and - I don't know if it's bad - I just wanted to ask your opinion. On a scale of one to five, with five being really good, how would you rate my hair?
Ramasesha: Oh, well ... 3.5.
Wildcat: So, where are you visiting from?
Ramasesha: India.
Wildcat: All right. What's it like over there? What's the weather like?
Ramasesha: We're 1,000 meters above sea level, and so minimum in winter is about 12 degrees centigrade and the maximum in summer is 35 degrees centigrade.
Wildcat: That's cool. Did you say 1,000 meters above sea level?
Ramasesha: Yes.
Wildcat: That's cool. You guys use the metric system over there. Nice. The one thing I know about India is from George Harrison from the Beatles, 'cause he was over there a lot. Is George Harrison a cool guy over there?
Ramasesha: Not really. Not now. The Beatles are passˇ.
Wildcat: Aw, they're passˇ? Oh no! You can't say stuff like that. I love George. Were you into the Beatles, like back in the day?
Ramasesha: Yeah, I heard them.
Wildcat: Were you into them at all?
Ramasesha: I never took music seriously, so ...
Wildcat: Oh really? What about that guy Prasanna? He's from India and he plays that traditional type of music. What's it called?
Ramasesha: Sitar?
Wildcat: No, he plays it on a guitar, though. I forget what it's called.
Ramasesha: Vina? Violin?
Wildcat: No, it's a type of music.
Ramasesha: Carnatic?
Wildcat: Carnatic! He plays Carnatic music on the guitar. Ever heard of him?
Ramasesha: No.