Bombs away

By Opinions Board
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, April 23, 2004

This week's winners ... and losers

The bomb - Ralph Nader campaigning at the UA. The 350 students who showed up proved college students do actually care about national politics. Not only that, but it was great to see a candidate actually care about college students, even if the guy has no shot of winning anything.

A bomb - Tyler Mott, the political science senior who wants to put flags in UA classrooms. Putting flags in classrooms because it represents democracy: good. Going against those same democratic principals Old Glory represents by demanding flags be hung in classrooms without a vote: bad.

The bomb - UA alumni Steve Kerr, Sean Elliot and Robert Sarver buying the Phoenix Suns. It's awesome to see former Wildcats giving back to Arizona and putting some money back into our community. Let's just hope they can put a winning product on the court.

A bomb - The advising contracts. If you think it's hard to get an adviser to tell you what classes to take now, just wait until their butts are on the line. Advisers should be able to do just that, advise you. They shouldn't feel responsible for a student's college career, when it's the students who should be responsible.

The bomb - The U.S. Supreme Court for ruling that underclassmen can't enter this weekend's NFL draft. The message here is to stay in school, boys and girls. It may suck for Mike Williams, but the collective bargaining agreement the NFL has with its players is there for a reason.

A bomb - The Pac-10 for not naming Caitlin Lowe Athlete of the Week. Don't agree? Well, the Wildcat center fielder was named the national Player of the Week, so logic dictates that she's also the best player in the conference. But using logic may be too much to ask.

The bomb - The effort to save the School of Planning from the ax. The Faculty Senate voted 18-0 to save the school, which is a huge signal to everyone that cutting it is not the right way to focus excellence at the UA. After all, without the planning school, how would we be able to plan anything?

Opinions are determined by the Wildcat opinions board and written by one of its members. They are Shane Dale, Caitlin Hall, Saul Loeb, Jason Poreda, Justin St. Germain and Eliza Tebo.