On the Spot

By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Ex-ASUA officer gets bad phone reception, thinks she and new VP are different

Rainer: Hi. Did you call me?

Wildcat: Yeah. We're just doing a little ASUA wrap-up, and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.

Rainer: OK.

Wildcat: So, now that you're being replaced by someone who I personally feel is a little more qualified for the job, Sara, what direction do you think ASUA will take?

Rainer: Can I call you back? My phone doesn't get good reception at my house. (Phone rings 30 seconds later.)

Wildcat: So the question was -

Rainer: What was your name again?

Wildcat: Zach. I just have a quick question: Now that you're being replaced by someone who I personally feel is a little more qualified for the job, Sara, what direction do you think ASUA will take next semester?

Rainer: Now that I'm being, what did you say? Now that I'm being replaced by someone, something will change?

Wildcat: Yeah.

Rainer: What was the middle part?

Wildcat: Uh, "who the UA felt was a little more suited to the job."

Rainer: The UA thinks that the ... ?

Wildcat: Because it's a vote, right? It's not important. It was just a dumb part of the question. (Silence.) Hello?

Rainer: Yeah. Um. I'm not really sure. Sara and I are different people. I think she does a lot of programming stuff, which doesn't entirely fall under the vice president's role, but I mean, maybe she'll start a new role for the executive vice president.

Wildcat: We talked to a few senators. Were there any verbal fights, verbal abuse this semester at all?

Rainer: Verbal fights with who?

Wildcat: Senators. Was there any verbal abuse going on?

Rainer: Between who?

Wildcat: Between you and some senators.

Rainer: No.

Wildcat: OK. Well, Melanie, I just wanted to say that this is Nathan and you're on the spot.

Rainer: Oh my gosh! So scary! That was scary!

- Interview by Nathan Tafoya