Freshmen know a lot about phases of meiosis, look forward to food on Thanksgiving
Wildcat: My name's Nathan and you're On the Spot.
Magness: Nathan? I'm Tova.
MaHusain: I'm Leena.
Wildcat: All right. Nice to meet you guys. What are you guys doing right now?
Magness: Well, we were walking. · I'm just going to my sorority house.
MaHusain: And I was walking her there.
Magness: We're coming back from biology class.
Wildcat: Oh, really? I was just asking one of the McDonald's ladies to rate meiosis and · mitosis.
Magness: We could tell you about that.
Wildcat: Which is the one that has the phases?
Magness: Meiosis. Well, they each have phases, but there are two separate phases within the phases of meiosis and mitosis. You really don't want to know this.
Wildcat: I hated that stuff. What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Magness: I get to go home.
Wildcat: Where's that?
Magness: Wisconsin.
MaHusain: I'm going to Phoenix.
Wildcat: Are you guys going to eat turkey? Do you guys grub?
Magness: I don't eat turkey.
Wildcat: Are you a vegetarian?
Magness: I am.
Wildcat: (throwing up hands) Argh. There are too many vegetarians on this campus. (to MaHusain) Are you a vegetarian?
MaHusain: I'm looking forward to a turkey. Sooo looking forward to a turkey.
Wildcat: Right on.