On the spot

By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, December 1, 2003

Freshman had ham and chicken for Thanksgiving and doesn't know how to use her new computer

Wildcat: My name's Nathan and you're On the Spot. How was your Thanksgiving?

Tan: I pretty much just sat there. And didn't exactly have turkey, but ham and chicken · which was interesting.

Wildcat: Ham and chicken? Like from KFC?

Tan: Not from KFC. It was actually made, but my family isn't typical in their celebrations, so ·

Wildcat: We watch movies a lot. We eat food, then watch movies.

Tan: We watched "Zoolander."

Wildcat: We had kind of a pie situation at my house. I wanted pecan pie, but my mom told my sister to get pumpkin. They ate my pecan pie first, before they got to the pumpkin. So I was kind of disgruntled about that. Where're you going right now?

Tan: Back to my dorm to set up my Ethernet thing because I got a new computer and I'm figuring it out. And I'm

having problems, so instead of setting up my printer, I decided to do the Internet.

Wildcat: Is your computer kind of slow?

Tan: I just got it. It's like a powerful, 15-inch, super-drive ·

Wildcat: Oh · Do you know how to use it? Is that too big for you?

Tan: It's not too big. I can do it. It's just like

Wildcat: You sound like one of those girls who have big trucks ÷ like: "I have this big computer and I don't know what to do with it. I don't know how to steer it."

Tan: I'll figure it out · eventually · next semester.

Wildcat: In a couple of weeks, school will be over. Isn't that exciting?

Tan: It is, but scary at the same time.

Wildcat: Are you doing all right in your classes?

Tan: I don't know. I may or may not be failing English at the moment, so I'm like, "Good times."

(Long pause)

Wildcat: Do you have anything to say, cause I'm running dry today. I think it's the turkey.

Tan: I don't know. I don't have anything.

Wildcat: That's OK. Pretty soon you'll have Ethernet, and you won't have to worry about stuff like that.