Today marks the last day of classes for the roughly 2,400 students who will graduate next week.
"It's especially hectic around here right now, with graduation and everything," said planning graduate student Marilyn Robinson.
The 129th Commencement Ceremony will take place in the McKale Center on Dec. 20, with the procession of candidates beginning at 9:10 a.m.
Degrees will be conferred upon about 2,400 students by President Peter Likins. Almost 2,000 undergraduate, 440 master's, and 213 doctoral degrees will be presented, said Vern Lamplot, associate director of News Services.
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Stakes are low, but fun is high at guys' poker night
Whether it's three-, five- or seven-card, stud, draw or Texas hold 'em, guys like to get together to play cards, drink beer and watch sports.
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Four guys, a television and an apartment. Great idea for a sitcom?
More like the scene setting for a night that shows how far video games have come since their meager Pong beginnings. [Read article]
Events Calendar

Dead Day gives students 1 day to party, study
Students will have to show ID at the bars and the library during finals
Ready or not, the semester will screech to a halt today, and on Friday, UA students will be thrust into the chaos of final exams, leaving tomorrow as the one day that stands alone to do as they please.
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It's that time of year again, and in two days, those dreaded finals will begin. While some lucky students can skate by finals week without a sleepless night or ounce of stress, many students hit the books from dusk to dawn and single-handedly increase the share price of Starbucks.
