On the spot

By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, January 22, 2004

Domino's manager finds no fortunes in free dots; doesn't mind folks using disguises to grab more free food

Wildcat: Hi, my name's Nathan and you're on the spot. See this? (holds up a plastic wrapper; Sullivan is serving Domino's new Cheesy Domino Dots)

Sullivan: Fortune cookie?

Wildcat: Yeah. What do you guys think about putting fortunes in the cheese bread?

Sullivan: Fortune Domino Dots?

Wildcat: Yeah.

Sullivan: I don't think that would work.

Wildcat: Can you pitch it to your district manager just in case?

Sullivan: Sure.

Wildcat: Are a lot of students exploiting the free cheese dots?

Sullivan: They seem to like it, yeah.

Wildcat: Have you seen people coming back in different clothes?

Sullivan: No. They're not trying to hide. ... Some will take a couple at a time.

Wildcat: Because I just want to tell you that I've gone through here like, 10 times already.

Sullivan: Oh yeah? That's OK. It's free.

Wildcat: Last time I came by without a shirt.

Sullivan: Without a shirt?

Wildcat: That was me. (pause) The guy with the beard and the long hair ...

Sullivan: You shaved? And look, you have growth already.

Wildcat: Yeah. (pause) You know that cop that came through? That was me, too.

Sullivan: That was you, too?

Wildcat: And you know that sorority girl? ... Me again.

Sullivan: All kinds of changes, huh?

Wildcat: I'm a versatile guy.

Sullivan: Sounds like it.

Wildcat: This (pointing to cheesy bread) isn't very Atkins diet-friendly, right?

Sullivan: The dough is not very good for you.

Wildcat: It's not good for you?

Sullivan: For the Atkins diet.

Wildcat: Oh.