View Points: Activity Fee

Arizona Daily Wildcat
Thursday, January 22, 2004

Question: How do you feel about the

possibility of a new activity fee that all students would pay?

"I can see why some people would be upset if they're not attending the events, but if there are more activities on campus, then it's fine."

"I need to figure out how I am going to pay for textbooks before I pay for more entertainment."

"Tack it on, man, we already pay so much as it is, right? It's kind of an inconsequential amount of money."

"I don't live here on campus. I go to school here on campus, and I don't go to any of the events. So I don't feel like I should pay for them."

"I feel it's only about $30 and it's for things that we can go to and have fun; I don't think that it's that big a deal."

"It's not much money, but I don't agree with it because we students already pay so much money."