On the spot

By Claire C. Laurence
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, February 16, 2004

Huachuca hall RA would fire Dubya and put a pogo stick law into effect if given the chance

Wildcat: Hi, I'm Claire from the Daily Wildcat, and you're on the spot.

Day: Well, OK.

Wildcat: So do you prefer the term "RA" or "Dorm Nazi"?

Day: Um ... I'd have to say RA.

Wildcat: So you're one of the nice RAs?

Day: I try to be. ... But at the same time, I have to get my job done.

Wildcat: What's the worst thing you've ever caught a dorm kid doing?

Day: (laughing) Smoking marijuana. Well, it's not the worst thing. People get in fights with RAs and stuff and try to beat 'em up.

Wildcat: So was the kid acting all crazy and stuff?

Day: Not too bad. He was just kind of out of it and ... stoned.

Wildcat: Have any dorm kids come after you?

Day: No. I mean, people call you names in the hallway and stuff, and they aren't always nice.

Wildcat: So what've you been called?

Day: Well, most of it's like, "Oh, there's an RA ... don't talk to her!" And I dunno ... no one's ever come up with anything creative. I'd like to hear someone come up with another abbreviation for RA.

Wildcat: Did you ever pick on your RA?

Day: I never really saw my RA. ... I lived in Babcock. I didn't even know that I had an RA.

Wildcat: OK, so finish this sentence for me: "If I were president of the United States, I would ... "

Day: I would umm ... get rid of George Bush.

Wildcat: So you'd fire yourself?

Day: (laughing) Yeah!

Wildcat: If you had to come up with some sort of silly law, what would it be?

Day: Every Tuesday when people would get off of work, they would have to ride pogo sticks down the highway.

Wildcat: Do you think there'd be a lot of accidents? Instead of a "hit and run" it'd be a "po and go"?

Day: Yeah, it'd probably be worse than traffic accidents.

- Interview by Claire C. Laurence