
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Kyl's response to terror needs attention

While some student responses to Sen. Kyl's speech were interesting, I'm sure no one batted an eye when they learned that the very conservative senator supports extending the Patriot Act or making the president's tax cuts permanent. This is hardly groundbreaking material, which is why I was surprised the Wildcat chose to focus so exclusively on it.

The most newsworthy part of Kyl's speech, in my opinion, was when he said he would feel unsafe attending the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece. Kyl said this on a day when U.S. politicians were scrambling in attempts to assuage American concerns after an AP poll revealed that more than half are expecting a terrorist attack at the games, most likely with American athletes as targets.

The fact that Kyl, a recognized counter-terrorism expert and chairman of a board on homeland security, made these statements was frighteningly honest. But imagine how up-in-arms the Greek government would have been had it heard what Kyl said right here in Tucson.

Brit Browning
marketing junior

Politics should be ignored at graduation

Concerning student Rachel Wilson's comments regarding the possible visit from President Bush at graduation, I am not sure that I have heard a more ignorant personal attack on the president from even the potential Democratic nominees. We are not inviting the president to "tell us lies," but instead provide some encouragement and congratulations on a job well done. As for academic excellence, the president graduated from Yale. Make all of the excuses you want, it's still a degree from Yale and he did his work.

Protests should be reserved for political functions and events. It is this kind of activity that waters down the entire approach to protesting and makes even those with legitimate arguments look foolish.

I would have been happy even if President Clinton had come, and we all know how much he values integrity. Show some respect.

Ryan McBride
political science sophomore

Students should attend weekend conference

I am writing to encourage you to attend the Arizona Student Leadership Conference held this weekend at the Student Union Memorial Center. I was the co-director of the event last year, and although the price has increased from last year, there is no reason that students should not be attending this year's event!

The conference offers you the opportunity to learn how to hone your leadership skills, something that you cannot put a price on. Break the cost down incrementally · you are getting food for three days, entertainment, a T-shirt, a chance to meet a Nobel Prize winner, great time with friends, tons of leadership training and much, much more.

Many of you students claim to have leadership · well, then I challenge you to prove it! Get out there and show your leadership by attending this conference. You will not be sorry! Bear Down Arizona!

Samantha Zipp
UA alumna

Alumni should fund students, not tickets

I would just like to thank Brian Danker for his very eye-opening letter yesterday about us "spoiled students" and why we do not deserve a decent student section at the basketball games. I completely forgot that the alumni are much more important to this university than the actual students are. But come on, I am spoiled ÷ I always get into all the classes that I want and need for graduation, I get to play Frisbee on my beautiful grass in front of the Administration building and my tuition is on such a constant level. Oh, that's right ÷ none of that exists. Instead, I have to endure a huge fence on my way to classes thanks to Mr. Danker and his friends, budget cuts all around and rising tuition with no assurance of extra faculty or classes being added. So when I finally want to take a break from all my stress on Thursday or Saturday to watch my basketball team play, I have to endure people like Mr. Danker who think they own this university because they donated some money to trees, benches and buildings with their names on them. Instead of throwing $10,000 toward basketball tickets, why don't the alumni use their money for something worthwhile, like helping current students graduate? I know when I become an alumnus, I will definitely not be buying basketball tickets just for the sheer fact that I might end up sitting next to someone as self-absorbed as Mr. Danker. I hope he continues to enjoy his primo seats and remembers one simple fact ÷ that without students, there would not even be a basketball team to cheer for.

Dmitry Rashnitsov
journalism sophomore