Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Arizona cheerleaders are at every game, performing back flips and throwing each other up into the air, all for the enjoyment of the crowd.
People may think cheerleaders are just random students who are assigned to stir up the crowd at selected campus sporting events, but there is much more to it than that.
Cheer preparation begins with selecting the squad from about 40 to 60 candidates over three days of tryouts, Friday to Sunday.
"Tryouts are overwhelming because there are all these new people competing for a few spots on the team," said sophomore Taylor Hendrickson. "It's like working out for a full day."
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· Commentary: Fans stay true through good and bad times |
April 5's front-page Arizona Daily Wildcat story featured a busty woman smiling and flashing large, scantily-covered breasts for Playboy magazine photographers, who were on campus seeking new "talent" at the UA. That tawdry cover story was ironically juxtaposed with the previous day's full coverage of the pope's death.
This clash demonstrates the detestable position in which Americans have placed the media. Let's face it: The media feed us stories and illustrations of junk on demand. Sadly, this just reflects our society's degenerating moral values and the popular view that anything goes.
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Latest Issue: April 12, 2005
Andrea Hashim dreamed of becoming Miss America since she was a little girl, and she has just taken one step closer to making that dream a reality.
Twenty-two-year-old Hashim, a first-year dance graduate student, beat out nine competitors to be crowned Miss Tucson Valley April 2 and is gearing up for the Miss Arizona pageant in June. Miss Arizona goes on to compete for Miss America in Atlantic City.
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UA growth chambers visit Mars, South Pole
Latest Issue: April 8, 2005
