McKale thief and family negotiate plea bargain

By Holly Wells
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, August 3, 2005

A plea bargain has been negotiated between the Pima County Attorney's office and a former McKale center employee who was found with stolen computers, UA memorabilia and sporting equipment.

His father, former associate director for Parking and Transportation Services, and his younger brother also accepted a plea bargain. Charges had previously been dropped against the former McKale employee's mother.

Clint A. Thomson, 20, was arrested Oct. 29 for burglary after police connected him to several missing items from the McKale Center, 1741 E. Enke Drive. The theft was thought to have taken place over the span of a year.

Paul Laurizten, deputy county attorney and property crime unit supervisor, said items stolen from a church were also found in Thomson's possession.

Thomson pled to a class five felony in the church theft and to a class three felony in the McKale theft. The class five felony could add up to between six months and two years in prison while the class three felony could mean two to eight years in prison.

Laurizten said it is possible that Thomson will get probation depending on the judge, but Thomson will still have two felony charges on his record.

Police began investigating Thomson after the owner of a computer repair shop contacted them to report suspicious behavior by Thomson when he dropped off a computer.

A search warrant found items in Clint Thomson's bedroom, his brother's bedroom, a spare bedroom and the garage.

In a previous interview, University of Arizona Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Eugene Mejia said Thomson's father, younger brother and mother were indicted because of the number of stolen items in the house and the belief that no reasonable person would not have suspected foul play.

Former associate director for PTS Gary Thomson accepted a diversion plea. If he successfully completes a diversion program the case will be dismissed, Laurizten said.

If he does not complete the diversion program, he will be sentenced.

At the time of the search, Gary Thomson told police he had noticed a few things around the house, but said he never suspected any wrongdoing by his son, reports stated.

Items uncovered included five computers, 20 pairs of Nike shoes, UA clothing, cameras, a television, sporting equipment, tools, cases of water and soda, three stadium chairs, autographed memorabilia, three boxes of baseball bats, two boxes of athletic tape, two buckets of baseballs, golf and cheerleader bags, bobble head dolls and a set of master keys.

According to reports, at the time of arrest, Clint Thomson told police that a supervisor had given the items to him, but later admitted that he had stolen the items and said his younger brother had nothing to do with it.

Colin Thomson, the younger brother, will likely face three years probation, although he could face two years in prison. If there are no violations during his probation, there is a possibility that the offense will be designated as a misdemeanor instead of as a felony, Laurizten said.

He said plea bargains are not unusual and said 90 percent of their cases result in plea bargains, which is fewer than in many other counties.