Conduct violations can be filed on Web

By Mitra Taj
Arizona Daily Wildcat
August 22, 2005

This semester students, faculty and staff can report student violations of university policies electronically, without making a trip to the Dean of Students Office.

The Dean of Students Office, in an effort to make reporting incidents, ranging from sexual harassment to cheating on exams, more convenient, took the process of submitting student code-of-conduct complaints online August 11th.

"It's a way to streamline our process and make it easier for everyone," said Anthony Skevakis, the designer of the online forms and program coordinator for judicial affairs in the Dean of Students Office. "It saves time and money."

Skevakis said offering code-of-conduct complaint forms electronically didn't cost anything and is expected to save the university about $200 in paperwork per year.

He said he hopes the added convenience will mean more people report unsafe incidents.

Although no one can file a complaint anonymously, Skevakis said some people might feel uncomfortable reporting certain incidents in person.

Skevakis said the Dean of Students Office gets about 400-500 complaints per year, most drug and alcohol related. While he said reported violations of university policies have been declining in recent years, cases involving alcohol have risen.

Online complaint forms can only be received from official UA e-mail addresses. To submit a student code-of-conduct complaint form electronically, go to: