Pass/fail: See if these ideas make the grade

Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, September 16, 2005

A penny for your thoughts, five bucks for a Day-Timer

Say what you will about Associated Students of the University of Arizona President Cade Bernsen, but you most certainly couldn't say that he's not passionate about those children. Well, not until Monday, at least. Bernsen made waves last semester with his passionate advocacy for student parents (and an uncanny knowledge of the logistics of breastfeeding in a bathroom stall). On Monday, though, the Arizona Daily Wildcat reported that Bernsen failed to make the first meeting of a student government cabinet to address the issue. For this, we give him a Fail (and suggest that he get a babysitter of his own).

Extending a helping hand

With the exception of a small (but very vocal) group of students, the UA community has accepted hurricane evacuees with open arms. The Wildcat was able to raise more than $2,000, University Medical Center cut a check for $94,000, and the Tucson Convention Center was flooded with volunteers and gifts for the distressed victims. Students may never shake the stereotype of being shiftless or indifferent, but for this latest outpouring of good will, the UA gets a Pass.

Cutting through the red tape

Anyone in attendance at the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership's "club recognition fair" last week probably hasn't yet recovered from his or her boredom-induced coma. Aside from being a colossal waste of time (most of the information presented was either self-explanatory or readily accessible for anyone with the Internet), the two-hour-plus affair was illustrative of the kind of bureaucratic entanglements that tie up money without serving any real purpose. Until CSIL cuts some red tape, it gets a Fail.

That's great ... now do it again

Giving hope to even the most skeptical of fans, the Arizona football team pummeled Northern Arizona University Saturday in front of a roaring crowd of 54,728. Despite some minor glitches (drunken hordes and riots in the stands), the crowd was exactly what will be needed in the weeks to come if we are to hope for a successful football season. Last week's effort gets a Pass, but let's hope that we can keep it up. Bear down!

Opinions Board

Opinions are determined by the Wildcat opinions board and written by one of its members. They are Caitlin Hall, Ryan Johnson, Damion LeeNatali, Aaron Mackey, Mike Morefield and Tim Runestad.