Police Beat

By Jesse Lewis
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A student was arrested for posssesion of 14.7 grams of marijuana after a resident assistant reported to police the student was smoking marijuana in his room in Graham-Greenlee Residence Hall, 610 N. Highland Ave., reports stated.

Police approached the second-floor room and told the students they received a report of a smell of marijuana coming from the room, reports stated.

The two students gave police consent to search the room and they found nothing, reports stated.

After searching one of the students, police found a Ziploc sandwich bag containing 14.7 grams of what smelled like and appeared to be marijuana, reports stated.

Police looked at the student's tongue and it had protruding taste buds and a green tint, signs of possible marijuana usage, reports stated.

The student admitted to police he had been smoking marijuana, reports stated.

The student was cited and released and the marijuana was placed into evidence to be scientifically tested by the Department of Public Safety to confirm it is marijuana, reports stated.

A student was arrested for underage drinking after he urinated on another student's guitar case in his room at Posada San Pedro Residence Hall, 601 N. Highland Ave., just after 3 a.m. Friday, reports stated.

The student reportedly went into the other student's room and urinated on the floor and on his guitar case, reports stated.

Police responded to the intoxicated student's room, and he became disorderly. He ordered police to get out of his room, and he tried to close the door on the officers, reports stated.

The student was placed in handcuffs because of his aggression toward police, reports stated.

When police retrieved the student's driver's license from his wallet they saw a license from Maine with the student's same birthday, but showed him to be born three years earlier, reports stated.

A records check of the Maine license came up with negative results and was determined by police to be fictitious, reports stated.

Police asked the student if he had entered the other student's room and urinated and he said he couldn't remember, reports stated.

The student told police he wanted to make a statement that he came from a party, came into his room, got into his bed and went to sleep, reports stated.

The student was cited and released and the fictitious license was placed into evidence, reports stated.

An $800 Dell Inspiron laptop was reported missing from a cubicle on the fifth floor of the UA Main Library, 1510 E. University Blvd., sometime Wednesday night, reports stated.

An employee said he locked the cubicle before he left the library at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday. When he returned at 10 a.m. Thursday, the computer was gone, reports stated.

The cubicle can be opened with a key or a combination code entered into the keypad, reports stated.

The employee told police another employee in the office was the only person allowed to issue codes for the cubicle and she told police she hadn't given the code to anyone, reports stated.

The building manager said neither he nor his staff had used their master keys to access the cubicle, reports stated.

The building manager told police contractors working in the building check out keys while working on the library's remodeling project, reports stated.

Police did not notice any signs of forced entry to the cubicle door, reports stated.

Police have no suspects or witnesses.

An employee of McDonald's, 1211 E. Speedway Blvd., turned in a suspected counterfeit $5 bill at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, reports stated.

The employee told police he had received it at the drive-through sometime that morning, but did not know who had paid with it, reports stated.

Police turned the bill over to the Secret Service, who will conduct any necessary investigations, reports stated.

Police Beat is compiled from official University of Arizona Police Department reports. For a complete list of UAPD activity, the daily resume can be found at http://www.uapd.arizona.edu.