Monday, October 17, 2005
Tennis enthusiasts raised more than just a racquet over the weekend at a benefit for the study of a new pediatric cancer drug where more than $75,000 was raised.
The UA Steele Children's Research center hosted Raise a Racquet, a two-day tennis benefit at the Tucson Racquet and Fitness Club, to raise money for research of a new cancer drug.
The drug, 17AAG, is in phase one of clinical trials, which helps doctors evaluate how effective the drug is at certain doses, said Rochelle Bagatell, assistant professor of pediatrics at Steele Children's Research Center.
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· Game designer joins UA staff |
· HISTORY LESSON: Seniors go back to school |
· Bernsen to speak at graduation |
After conservative commentator William Bennett sparked national controversy by suggesting that aborting black babies would reduce crime rates, one scene from the football movie "Varsity Blues" has been running nonstop through my head.
Newly minted star quarterback Jon Moxon is sitting on his girlfriend's porch, discussing the upcoming West Canaan district title game with her. After registering a series of complaints about coach Kilmer to the unfortunate young lady, the girlfriend, not wanting to hear more of it, slaps the new star quarterback with some curt advice: "You want some cheese with that whine?"
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Latest Issue: October 13, 2005
Latest Issue: October 11, 2005
Cool evening temperature, activities lure students outdoors
The days on campus are filled with crowds of bustling students hurrying to
classes under the unrelenting Tucson sun. But when the sun goes down, the pace
slows and many students find it the perfect time to work out, study or just take
it easy.
"I'm out here a couple nights a week," said Peter Khoury, an undeclared
freshman, between tosses of a light-emitting flying disc. "It's less crowded and
the weather's better." [Read
article] |
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6 pm UATV: Wildcast
7 pm From Hell
9:30 pm Humanoids from the Deep
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