Friday, October 28, 2005
For generations, lines have been drawn, segregating people from each other on grounds of color and gender. The "separate but equal" fight against black people in the first half of the 20th century is a perfect example of segregation based on a simple fact: black or white.
The black community has persevered and is now generally afforded the same luxuries as any other American community. Gender wars have also raged on for more than a century in the U.S., and women have fought an uphill battle to receive the rights given to them as citizens.
[Read article]
· Targeting our children |
· Grand old failure |
· Pass/fail: See if these ideas make the grade |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: October 27, 2005
Latest Issue: October 25, 2005
Are you scared yet?
That time of year is approaching once again. The days are no longer
endless, and tank tops are being replaced with long sleeves. But along
with chilly nights comes one juicy holiday.
Ghosts and goblins are not just a thing of our childhood. In fact,
Halloween seems to get better as we reach our adolescence. We are no
longer restricted to a two-hour window of trick-or-treating and parents
forcing us to bed with the ultimate sugar high. Now, Halloween is yet
another reason to party. [Read
article] |